President's Message

Tshering Pande Bhote

Nepal Mountaineering Instructors Association (NMIA) established in A.D 2002 (B.S 2058) is a non-governmental, non-profit and non-political organization working as a National Mountaineering Institute of Nepal. NMIA works to promote mountain tourism, sports climbing, protect mountain environments and is involved in Mountain search and Rescue since its establishment. It is the only national mountaineering institute of Nepal associated with the significant National and International organization. All our members (Instructors) are the certified mountain guides of International Federation of Mountain Guide Association (IFMGA/UIAGM), our goal is to produce, provide skill full and professionally qualified manpower for the Nepalese mountaineering tourism industry.

since the establishment of NMIA our soul partner Foundation Yves Pollet Villard of France (YPVF) supported with various sector such as technical help, instructors up grade course and financially conduct the mountaineering courses.

We have been trying to maintain and upgrade the teaching standard excellent for the future generation. We are making some timely changes in the current statute in order to address the issues voiced by mountaineering professionals. The present team at NMIA has been trying hard to give continuity to all the good work done by the previous teams of NMIA. We are putting our efforts to address the present challenges ahead of NMIA and to establish it as one of the leading association of Nepal in the field of mountaineering training. Finally, we would like to reassure national and international mountaineering community and all our well-wishers about our everlasting commitment to work towards the betterment of mountaineering fraternity.

To promote mountain adventure tourism industry in Nepal, NMIA conducts Rescue Trainings like Basic and High Mountain Rescue Training (Supported by Nepal Mountaineering Association/ Yves Pollet Villard foundation of France-YPVF) every year. After completing this rescue course the participants are eligible to rescue any accidental cases during the mountain climbing. beside these our association conducting Ice Climbing, Basic Rock Climbing, Rock Level One, Mountain Navigation courses annually.

To promote a rock climbing sector in nationwide, NMIA equipped various rock climbing site around Nepal since 2004, and also planning to start new climbing routes across the country, which will help the tourism industry to increase local incomes and job opportunities.

NMIA provides initial mountaineering trainings for those willing to start their career in this industry, after completing the courses moderated by NMIA the candidates are eligible to go for further higher courses in the field of professional alpinism.

On behalf of NMIA
Mr. Tshering Pande Bhote

Press Release

Affiliated with

Ministry of Culture, Tourism & Civil Aviation (NATHM)Yves Pollet Villard Fondation of FranceEmbassy of French RepublicNepal Mountaineering AssociationEcole Nationale de Ski et d'AlpinismeGendarmerie of FranceIFREMMONT of FranceNepal National Mountaineering Guide Association (NNMGA)